Cateye EL530-LD1100 Light Set

Cateye EL530-LD1100 Light Set

Cateye EL530-LD1100 Light SetThe Cateye EL530/LD1100 Light Set is an ultra bright front and rear light set which will give you really good visibility on your commute.

The EL530 front lamp is one of the brightest battery lights available. It gives out a really powerful, concentrated beam which is ideal if you are straying away from street lights on your way home.

What’s more, traffic always seems to give you a wider bearth when you have a powerful set of lights, so they are safer in that way too.

The rear lamp is an advanced version of the usual, durable Cateye LED light, offering an array of flashing and static options.

For the power of illumination they give, the battery life is also very good. A really quality set of bicycle lights.


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